I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly what happened at the end of the Arizona State/Wisconsin game on Saturday night. I made an attempt to do so in my impromptu game recap (since I thought I was done writing before that hot mess ensued) so I don't want to waste time going through things again here.
I do, however, want to expand on something that has been kicking around my head for a while now. It's more attuned to something I think about when I hear fans and/or media bitching about blown calls or teams getting jobbed or robbed.
I feel that we, in sports, have unrealistic expectations of everyone involved.
We expect and demand perfection at a level that I do not think is realistic.
Now, before you start to dismiss this line of thinking out of hand, my college team was involved in two of the more controversial finishes in history (video of said finishes after the jump):