Thursday, November 5, 2015

On Hot Takes...


Came across this tweet. It includes a screen shot of something Clay Travis wrote. (Again, I refuse to actually link to any of his work. You can find it by using the search engine of your choice.)

I think Clay doesn't understand what a "hot take" actually is.

A hot take is not "a fresh opinion about what America is talking about based on something that recently happened".

A hot take is a bullshit, illogical, nonsensical opinion based on something that recently happened.

It is a specious argument.

It is an idea that only has a gossamer-thin relation to any kind of reality.

A well-reasoned opinion piece during breaking news is not a hot take.

A well-research and sourced article is not a hot take.

Throwing up a bunch of bullshit moralizing? That's a hot take.

So write about current topics all you want. That's not the issue.

The issue is when you say stupid, indefensible things that are lacking in any substance.

That's a hot take, Clay.

Do better.

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