Saturday, January 12, 2013

Are Coaches Acting More Assholish On Purpose?

I was stunned when I heard that Tommy Tuberville was leaving Texas Tech for the Cincinnati job, especially given the destabilization and demolition of the Big East conference. Comparatively speaking, the Big 12 was a stable place.

Of course, Tuberville at Texas Tech never really made sense, and seeing as how the season ended there for him, I guess I can understand the need to get out of dodge.

But then my mouth gaped open when I heard about Tuberville's alleged dine and dash with recruits that Texas Tech was hosting when he took the Cincinnati job. Of course, Tuberville and Cincinnati denied the allegation. I mean, it's not the kind of thing that a coach with any semblance of a brain is going to admit to. appears that the Texas Tech prospects are not the only ones to get shafted by good old Tommy boy, as two athletes who had verbally committed to Cincinnati are apparently not going to go there and have been told by the new coaching staff that it's time to look elsewhere.